How you can make $$$ in software development without a college degree

Dylan Beharall
2 min readDec 12, 2022


While a college degree is often seen as a prerequisite for a career in software development, it is possible to break into the field and make a good income without one. Here are a few steps you can take to get a job in software development and make a good income without a college degree:

  1. Develop a strong foundation in programming: To succeed in software development, you need to have a solid understanding of programming languages and principles. If you don’t have a college degree in computer science, you can still develop these skills on your own. Start by learning a popular language such as Python or Java, and then continue to learn and practice your skills through online courses, tutorials, and personal projects.
  2. Build a portfolio of your work: In the competitive field of software development, your portfolio is often the first thing potential employers will look at. To build a strong portfolio, you’ll need to have a few projects under your belt that showcase your skills and abilities. Start by completing small personal projects, and then gradually build up to more complex projects. Be sure to document and share your work, and include any relevant code samples or demos.
  3. Network with other professionals: One of the best ways to break into the field of software development is to network with other professionals. Attend local meet-ups, conferences, and workshops, and connect with other developers on social media and online forums. Not only will this help you build your network and make connections, but it will also keep you up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the field.
  4. Consider alternative career paths: While many software development jobs require a college degree, there are also other paths you can take to break into the field. For example, you can consider becoming a freelance developer, which allows you to work on a contract basis and set your own rates. You can also consider working for a startup, which may be more willing to hire based on your skills and experience rather than your education.

In conclusion, it is possible to get a job in software development and make a good income without a college degree. To succeed in the field, you’ll need to develop a strong foundation in programming, build a portfolio of your work, network with other professionals, and consider alternative career paths. With dedication and hard work, you can break into the field of software development and build a rewarding career.

